For freshmen, transition to high school has extra baggage

By Kylie O'Connor, Multimedia & Social Media Editor

Moving up to high school as an incoming freshman can be an overwhelming process already, but making the transition online sounds? Now that sounds scary. This is the hardship that was placed on the Class of 2023, and the question on everyone’s mind is how are they handling all this unexpected madness. The answer? Their best.

Overall, the freshmen class has been presented with a very unfortunate situation and they are doing their best every day to get through it. They have accepted the way things are going and adapting every day. However, there are still setbacks that they are challenged with.

I feel like I’m at a little disadvantage because I had to start off my first year of high school all online,”  freshman Ali Simmons said. “I believe that I can get more out of learning and make connections with my teachers in person.”

Freshman teachers are equally burdened down with struggles along with their students throughout the remote learning journey. As difficult as it has been for many students to learn, many teachers say it has been just as difficult for them to adjust to a new way of teaching. 

“I feel that understanding is being hindered by remote learning because we are somewhat limited by the way we can teach them and the materials they are using,” freshman English teacher Diane Gray said.

When students first enter high school it is academically speaking its a very big transition from their past middle school classes and curriculum so these first few months can be a pivotal point, making relationships with teachers even more important.

What is especially difficult for certain students is the unknown. Going through this the assumption is that students are working toward the common goal of just getting back to normalcy but that cannot be certain. We cannot predict the future and therefore freshmen become even more worrisome. 

“…we don’t know if this will go away quickly, we don’t know if the sports will get canceled, it has already changed the experience of the freshman year,” freshman Nicole Campalataro said.

While there has been many hurdles to overcome throughout these first two months, the freshmen class has been able to find resources to help them along the way. 

“The most helpful resource throughout all of this is sports because it gives me a break,” freshman Abby Zanelli said. “ It gives me time to clear my mind and become less stressed about my grades.”