Best fall movies on our favorite streaming services


By Gabby Pawlowski, Senior Chief News & Features Editor

The air is cool and the sun goes down sooner; fall is at our doorstep. This makes wrapping up in a blanket and watching movies on the couch seem that much more appealing. Not to mention, COVID-19 keeps us cooped up and with more time on our hands.The pandemic restricts us from leaving the comfort of our own home and while that can be seen as tragedy, it can also be seen as opportunity. Our once busy schedule is now constricted, which gives people the opportunity to watch a good movie. Fall opens up a book of pleasurable movies that are easy to access from our favorite streaming services.


Netflix – 

     1. The Witch

This supernatural horror movie is about, you guessed it, a witch. Based in New England, the plot is about a family in the 1630s that move into a farm next to a secluded forest. The family encounters a witch who stirs up trouble for them, which all begins when she kidnaps their unbaptized baby. It’s what you call an edge of your seat type experience.

     2. The Edge of Seventeen

The Edge of Seventeen is definitely less scary, more feel good. Featuring Hailee Steinfeld, this movie portrays a struggling high schooler trying to find her way. This is a movie that many teenagers will find relatable. It’s funny, tear-jerking, and an outlet to reflect your own life back on. As students ease their way into this eccentric school year, watching this movie will remind us that everything turns out fine in the end.

     3. Coraline

Coraline is a family friendly stop-motion film. Nonetheless, it still has the ability to give viewers the creeps. A young girl finds herself in an alternate universe while crawling through a secret doorway in her house. What she thinks is the perfect new version of her life turns out to be a nightmare filled with supernatural horrors and inescapable. 


Disney Plus – 

1. The Nightmare Before Christmas

This is very easily Tim Burton’s most well-known movie; a stop-motion film that incorporates two holidays into one. Viewers get to know Jack Skellington, the pumpkin king of Halloweentown, and how some of the scariest people have complex feelings. The music and animations makes it an original and lovable seasonal movie fit for all ages. 

2. Girl vs. Monster

Girl vs. Monster is a beloved Disney movie that people of Gen Z grew up watching during “Monstober” on Disney Channel. It features a teenager with parents who are monster hunters. These “monsters” are actually the reason for individual people’s fears in life. It unexpectedly becomes an empowering movie that teaches kids to stand up to their fears while delivering that halloween feel we all so desire.

3. Halloweentown

Another timely classic is Halloweentown. It’s exactly the right amount of cheesy and harmless fantasies. Marnie and her two siblings’ lives are changed when they discover they are no ordinary family. They come from a line of witches and follow their grandma to Halloweentown, a safe place for creatures to live outside the mortal world that their grandma told them stories about. With three more Halloweentown movies, they make for the perfect movie marathon.

Amazon prime – 

1. Hereditary

It’s hard to find a very good scary movie, but Hereditary is one of the best ones out there. It’s a complex movie to say the least. A mom of two recently lost her mother who had a secretive life. Soon after she loses her daughter in a tragic accident and comes to find out about a genetic curse that is haunting her family. It’s confusing nature makes it that much scarier compared to a movie that, for example, uses jump scares to frighten its audience.

2. Knives Out

It’s not necessarily a Halloween movie, but Knives Out is a 2019 whodunit film with well-known actors such as Jamie Lee Curtis and Chris Evans. It all goes downhill when a family’s supposedly beloved grandfather is pronounced dead in his room. Viewers come to learn that there was a lot more going on the night of his death than initially expected. Multiple family members were suspects for shocking reasons.

3. It

Not too many people are fond of clowns, but Stephen King’s story about Pennywise is a movie for those who like twisted stories. Pennywise is actually a shape shifter whose favorite form is a clown who feeds on children. A group of outcast friends each have their own interactions with the clown and join together to attempt to kill him. The sequel to the movie was released in 2019.