TEF Talks, Episode 6: John Adams Sucks (Listener Q&A)
April 26, 2020
What’s better than a new episode of your favorite podcast? A new OLD episode. This recording from before our modern dystopian hellscape will help you deal with being stuck inside by satisfying you with good life advice from Kat, Ava and Steph. Learn why drywall can make you happy, how to live with your bad decisions and why the best thing you can do for virtually anything is just vibe.
This podcast is from Wessex Wire Radio, the podcast network for The Wessex Wire. Find playlists of all of our podcasts on our YouTube channel!
Audio credits:
Outro music: Synthetic by | e s c p | https://escp-music.bandcamp.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)