How many students actually put their work aside?
(Photo courtesy of Paul Fisher (CC BY-SA 2.0)) Frustration sets in for student as he waits until nighttime to cram his work in.
October 30, 2018
It is 3 p.m., and a student has just got home with a homework assignment in each class. It is now 11 p.m., and the student has just started to do their assignments. Who at West Essex actually procrastinates to this point?
It turns out that more students actually wait until after 9pm to start their homework, rather than completing it at a normal time. There are always the seemingly nocturnal students that turn everything in from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., or even during lunch before an afternoon block. There are also the extremely neurotic kids who get everything done the day they are assigned as soon as they get home.
To nobody’s surprise, a quick poll of 30 students showed that more than half complete their homework after 9 p.m., or do not complete any homework at all. It can mostly be credited to students’ lack of desire to get work done, and the influence of things that are more interesting than doing a couple of math problems.
“Absolutely. High School students are up later,” said biology teacher William Humes. He believes that the high schoolers are up late doing work more than younger kids. An uncommon fact about Mr. Humes is that he is a huge procrastinator. Although he does not recommend the method of waiting last minute, he does believe that working under pressure can bring out the best in yourself.
There are only a couple of kids who have after school activities, but none of them run until 9 p.m.. “Between 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. is when I get the most work done,” said junior Caitlin Katz. Most Students take this much time to start homework because of distractions caused by technology, sports, or just the mere fact that they do not like getting work done.
Aside from the procrastinators, there are very minimal students who complete their work as soon as they get home. Although some do work from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., only one student “One student in particular, sophomore Grant King, does his homework at 3 p.m.. “The paranoia of not doing homework and waiting until the last minute is very plaguing,” then said sophomore Grant King. King has always done his work right after school, and his above average grades certainly show the success he has had in doing so.
Completing homework right after school and in the late hours of the night can without a doubt affect a student’s grade for the better or worst.