OPINION: Controversial new gym rules protect students



By Danielle Tabatneck, Opinion Editor

West Essex enhanced the rules of physical education by placing new locking doors around the gymnasium as well as the locker rooms during the summer break. These facility changes came with a new set of rules and procedures for how P.E. classes run. On the first day of school, physical education teachers informed students about these new changes and explained how these rules will affect them and the way they prepare for class.

Students now have six minutes to go from their previous class to the locker room to change. After this time, the locker room doors will be closed and locked, as those who have not made it to the locker room will not be allowed to participate in class.

Some students disagree with these new changes since it requires more of a hustle to class and worry that they will not make it on time.

However, students are not aware that the administration took this action to increase safety and security in the school by ensuring that no area is left unsupervised. By locking access to these key areas, students will not have access to places in the school where teachers are not present. Administration are trying to make changes that can help students, as fewer conflicts will happen if the school reduces the amount of areas without supervision.

“The doors have been a concern for us for years, since we look at school as a fortress, so that no one from the outside can penetrate in,” Assistant Principal Ms. Hoebee said.

In past years, students were given more time to get to the locker room, allowing students to have the opportunity to take their time when changing for class, making the change dramatic for some students.

Therefore, the school is aware that students will tend to arrive later than the bell because of the time change. As a result, an article assignment must be completed to earn participation points for the day if students are late and missed the chance to change. Opportunities to make-up participation points will also be held after school in order to give kids ample time to improve their gym grade.

Students should not complain about assignments, however, as teachers are making sure everyone will be able to bring their grade up.

This can only be known as a positive opportunity for students. It shows that even though it will be more difficult to make it on time, students will not automatically fail.

The problem lies in that the assignment is not given to students who simply forget their gym clothes. All it takes is walking faster to make it on time, but for those who forgot clothes, there is no way to bring up a grade.

“It has increased participation and the amount of kids changing and changing appropriately for gym,” physical education teacher Mr. Logan said.

It is a safer route for the students to have these locking doors because it protects both their personal belongings and themselves during class. As a result, students may feel more confident about leaving cell phones and backpacks in the locker room.

These changes may sound overbearing to some students at first, but their ultimate goal is to help students by protecting our items. It will only have a positive effect on the future of our school.