The truth behind the PARCC test

By Danielle Schwartz, Editor-in-Chief

PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) test has been taken by West Essex students since 2015, but students still have many unanswered questions about the new state test. Mr. Gupta, West Essex’s Director of Curriculum and Instruction, answered some of the fundamental questions students have been wondering.

Q: Does PARCC count? How does it count for each grade?

A: For current sophomores, juniors and seniors, the PARCC is used, along with alternative criteria including the SAT, PSAT and ACT, as a graduation requirement. If students pass any of these tests, it is not necessary to take the PARCC. Current freshmen are required to take the PARCC in order to use as an alternative criteria as a graduation requirement. Passing the PARCC Algebra and PARCC ELA 10 is mandatory for graduation for all 8th grade students and younger.

Q: What score is needed to pass the PARCC?

A: To pass PARCC, one must get a 4, which is defined as having “met expectations.” Similar to the AP scoring, the 1-5 score is determined after everyone has taken the assessment and the scores have been scaled.

Q: Which Math and English levels are tested on PARCC?

A: The ELA PARCC tests English 9-11. The Math levels tested on PARCC are Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II. After taking Algebra II, students are finished with math PARCC testing.

Q: If students are doubling up in Math courses, which Math PARCC do they take?

A: Regardless of the number of math courses a student is taking, everyone only takes one Math PARCC test per year. The class that comes first is always tested. For example, a sophomore taking Geometry and Algebra II will take the Geometry PARCC.

Q: Can students refuse to take the PARCC? Are there any consequences for refusing?

A: Students are able to refuse the PARCC, just like they were always able to refuse old state tests like the HSPA and the NJ ASK. Now that the PARCC is a mandatory graduation requirement for certain grades, students in the 9th grade and younger are unable to refuse the PARCC. Aside from graduation requirements, there is no consequence from refusing the PARCC. However, West Essex is rated by its students’ test scores, which affects the value of homes in the community.