The phrase “emotional intelligence” has become almost synonymous with “The Bachelor.” As the neverending Taylor-Corrine feud came to an end, Taylor began another one of her tiresome rants; instead this time, the topic was one of which that most people have never heard of: emotional intelligence.
For the majority of people who still don’t know what emotional intelligence is, it’s the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.
When emotional intelligence was first recognized, it served as one of the missing links in multiple findings: people who have average IQs usually have a higher emotional intelligence than people who have high IQs.
Research now says that emotional intelligence is the critical factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack. The connection is so strong that 90% of top performers have a high emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the something in each person that is a bit different. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities and make personal decisions to achieve positive results.
Are you emotionally intelligent? Find out for yourself by taking this quiz from the Institute for Health and Human Potential!
- You don’t become defensive when criticized.
- You can stay calm under pressure.
- You handle setbacks effectively
- You can manage anxiety, stress, anger, and fear in pursuit of a goal.
- You utilize criticism and other feedback for growth.
- You try to see things from another’s perspective.
- You recognize how your behavior affects others.
- You can freely admit to making a mistake.
- You can listen without jumping to judgment.
- You try to remain overall positive.
If you mostly answered “strongly disagree”… you may be technically gifted and have very high IQ, but your EQ is on the low side and you likely struggle to manage emotions when you are under pressure. You may find yourself blowing up at people or keeping emotions inside and not expressing them but emotional intelligence is not set at birth – it can be learned and improved!
If you mostly answered “neither”… you may have a slightly above average EQ – with room to grow! You are likely sensitive to the emotional climate of the people around you when you and they– peers, friends, and family– are under pressure. You are aware of the effect your behavior has on others. While you may be adept at tuning into others and their needs – you must remember your own. Don’t be afraid to honestly communicate these difficult needs and feelings!
If you answered mostly “strongly agree”… congratulations on your exceptional EQ! You may have either an extremely high in emotional intelligence or extremely low. These results may reflect your high level of self-knowledge or a lack of it since you must be self-aware to assess yourself accurately. You may want to seek clarification from a peer, co-worker or family member to validate how they feel you respond emotionally when you are under pressure. You’ve either made it to the top or have a long way to go.