When we look back at West Essex’s history, the vibrant school spirit and enthusiasm captured in every old photo, video and newspaper clipping is hard to miss. Whether at an event or simply walking through the hallways, students radiated genuine excitement when it came to representing their school and being a part of their community. Although many factors—like the diversity of the student body, varying teachers and different cultural eras—play a role, the reduction of activities and events over the years has been the main dampener on the school spirit that once thrived here.
The ski club and the debate club were two standout activities that contributed to West Essex’s spirit and camaraderie. Specifically, the ski club provided students with an opportunity to bond over thrilling trips to the mountains, where they could enjoy the outdoors and build friendships with people outside of their typical group. Likewise, the Debate Club encouraged critical thinking and public speaking skills, allowing students to express their opinions and engage in lively conversations. It created a welcoming environment for students looking to discuss and argue—something that does not typically occur in regular classroom settings. These two clubs alone not only provided fun and educational experiences but also created a sense of belonging and pride. With their absence, the school is missing out on opportunities for students to connect and share memorable experiences.
There are also quite a few school-run events that have gradually become a thing of the past. For instance, the student/teacher talent show used to be an annual event to raise money for upcoming senior festivities. Staff and students throughout West Essex would come together to put on an entertaining show and broadcast their special skills. Bringing back this event would undoubtedly benefit the school by promoting a unique sense of community, vulnerability and enjoyment. Similarly, the Italian festival, which celebrated Italian heritage through food, music and traditional activities, allowed students to appreciate and learn about a culture shared by many at West Essex. Small celebrations like these can go a long way when it comes to improving the sense of community at school.
Restoring other events such as homecoming and Friday night West Essex socials would not only reignite pride and excitement, but would also give students something to look forward to when school starts to take a toll. The sophomore semi-formal and junior prom are great, but additional get-togethers welcoming multiple grades and even families would be even better.
Look at what reviving the old tradition of playing music between classes has already accomplished. Just two minutes of music in the hallways has, in my opinion, enhanced the school’s atmosphere substantially—think about how much good the rest of these activities can do.
Additionally, although sports are undeniably still a big deal, the excitement around them is just not the same as it used to be. Even looking back to about three years ago, the football games were incredibly lively, with students overflowing in the bleachers, eager to support their school. Now, unless it is a big game or there is nothing better to do, not as many students want to attend, nor participate in the attire themes for the student section. It ends up just feeling like a dull environment as everyone around you looks bored and uninterested in the game. This lack of enthusiasm is a far cry from the passion and camaraderie that consumed West Essex’s past. For one, the rivalry with the infamous Caldwell Chiefs was once electric, fueling intense school spirit, packed stands, rallying students and even sometimes heated exchanges as seen in the 2012 “High school rivalry leads to closing of local Chipotle” YouTube video.
A student from a 1987 Wessex Wire newspaper edition even confirmed this unwavering psyche saying that ”we all know our class has a lot of school spirit; the war-painted faces in the halls and at the football games, the senior hell parties and the increased attendance at all fall sports.” In stark contrast, it’s hard to believe how different the school’s atmosphere feels today.
School spirit is a vital quality that every school needs to thrive and maintain a positive environment. Restoring clubs and events like these and encouraging students to participate, would certainly help West Essex return to its old, superior, ways.