Junior health class ‘Staying Alive’ with CPR training

By Grace Irwin, News editor

By Grace Irwin ’18 and Maddie Galligan ’18

Starting this year, the school is adding CPR training for the junior health curriculum. Within this course, students will actively learn each step of the CPR process using manikin, practice automated external defibrillators (AEDs), epipens and other first aid equipment. P.E. teachers Ms. Plesnitzer and Mr. Linsalato completed American Red Cross training in Fairfield this past winter, becoming certified to teach others CPR.

Students will physically demonstrate proficiency by practicing compressions and learning how to use an AED. Regarding first aid, students will have to follow proper protocol and know how to wrap an injured area. PE teachers will conduct written tests to ensure that kids have the basic knowledge of the lifesaving act.

At the end of the course, students will have the option to take the Red Cross CPR certification test for a minimal fee of $30, enabling them to perform CPR in real-life situations. Students will also be trained in the Heimlich.

Junior Daria Wendell said, “I’m excited to learn CPR. I think it’s something everyone should feel comfortable doing and I would probably not have the chance to take this course if it weren’t for this change in curriculum.”

There are many practical opportunities provided by the course for students to take advantage of. “Students will benefit by having the opportunity to get certified incase they are interested in being a lifeguard, camp counselor, babysitting, volunteer coach and overall will be prepared for an emergency,” Mr. Linsalato said.

Many occupations require, or prefer CPR certification and training. Medical professionals to office workers can all benefit from learning proper CPR techniques and knowing how to appropriately react in a life-threatening situation. By utilizing hands-on training and easy to follow instructions, students can become confident in their lifesaving skills.

Ms. Plesnitzer said, “It has been an exciting experience for us so far. We had to train our other colleagues and we are pleased to bring this new initiative to our health and phys. ed. department. We hope to get as many students certified as possible. This way they have the knowledge and education to feel confident in a situation if an emergency arises. We also hope to offer this course to outsiders in the community in the future.”