Digital marketing class makes school Instagram
The new W.E. Knight Life account marks West Essex’s official presence on Instagram, providing students with a variety of fun and educational opportunities. With the help of social media, students are now kept up to date on the latest news surrounding the school.
The account aims to provide reliable updates on sports, clubs and many other extracurriculars offerred to students. The students who run the account are a part of the digital marketing class, which is taught by business teacher Joseph Cardinale.
Through the process of sharing the school spirit, students have come up with different creative yet informative posts, directly designed to grab the attention of people outside of the West Essex community. Cardinale said his aim for the class launching and managing the Instagram account was to help communicate the school’s passion for different activities at West Essex.
“There are a lot of really awesome things that go on here, and I think a lot of the time, the community and people don’t always have the opportunity to see a lot of the things that do go on here,” Cardinale said.
In his class, student groups generate ideas for coverage in different categories such as athletics, academics, student life and scheduled events. Students communicate with the administration at West Essex for approval on posts.
“If there is something that they want us to post, they can just send it, and then once stuff comes in, we kind of delegate it to the different groups and we shoot it out,” Cardinale said.
Members of the digital marketing class said they see working on the account as an opportunity to show their community what West Essex is truly about and what goes on behind the scenes. One student who helps runs the account, junior Morgan Perini, said she values having the chance to boost school spirit by showcasing all kinds of highlights at West Essex.
“Mr. Cardinale wanted to get involved in promoting and sharing what the school does,” Perini said. “So, we started to create this account and basically share updates and share to parents and students about West Essex life. I like that it helps share what everyday students do at West Essex and promotes and shares the school spirit.”
Junior Gisella Grande agreed, saying working on the account helps keep students informed.
“It shares the school’s accomplishments, sports games, events that are coming up, things students need to know or awards that people have received,” Grande said.
This new account ultimately serves as a platform to inform others about school activities.
“I think we give our kids and school the ability to show everybody what is going on,” Cardinale said.