OPINION: Teachers must keep up with the work they assign

Students are a given huge amount of work each week that they expect to be graded in a timely manner.

Photo courtesy of Jagrap (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Students are a given huge amount of work each week that they expect to be graded in a timely manner.

Test after test, and essay after essay and the mounds of work assigned to students pile up over the weeks. In tackling these assignments one by one, students can finally take a sigh of relief once they are complete and have some time to relax. The extensive time and effort dedicated to finishing essays and studying for tests is undeniable, so when something is handed in, students anticipate their grades within a few days. However, it seems as though in the cycle of students handing in work, and teachers grading it, the teachers have not held up their end of this bargain. 

Because of how much work students do put into their assignments, it is expected for teachers, of all classes, to effectively and efficiently grade the work. It is easy to feel let down when grades take weeks and weeks to be released, especially when students are crunched into a small time frame to complete them. Understandably so, teachers are busy and manage a variety of classes, but assigning more work than they can actually grade will not benefit anyone in the long run. When the end of the marking period approaches and assignments are still missing from the grade book, averages can sporadically drop and students will not be able to do anything about it. If assignments were graded relative to when they were handed in, students will know how they can improve or change to bring up their average. As time passes by, students also feel much less inclined to put their best effort into their work if they feel as though teachers will not grade them with the same effort. 

“When teachers take long to grade, I think it brings a lot of stress of knowing what your grade is,” junior Sam Bonsignore said. “If you don’t know your grade soon it creates anxiety and affects mental health.”

If teachers across the board try to hand work back quickly, students will receive immediate constructive feedback to not only show them what they can improve on but to help them approach other assignments. Students will be able to also learn their strengths and weaknesses within the subject of the assignment, thus assisting them in moving forward with their work in the future. 

“When teachers grade fast, students can receive instant feedback to better benefit their academic success,” senior Olivia D’Achille said. “Instant feedback can allow students to go for extra help and even discuss their grade with classmates to see how they can improve.”

School is a busy environment with many moving pieces, so in order for the dynamic of the relationship between teachers and students to effectively work, teachers should assign work mindful of when they can return the grades. 

Photo Credit: “The final FAM-L paper pile, before I clean it up” by Jagrap is licensed under (CC BY-NC 2.0)