Students showcase their artistic talents
The hard work and creativity of West Essex students was celebrated during the annual Art Showcase on May 19 in the library.
Photographs, woodworking, paintings and digital art were all on display in the library with work from students in any art course from Fashion 1 to AP Art.
The show gave families the opportunity to see students’ work and students the chance to showcase their work. The show also elicited inspiration in artists by exposing them to new, creative perspectives.
“I like the chance to get to see everyone’s work because there are so many different art classes that you don’t always get to see everything everybody’s done,” senior and AP Art student Caroline McElhannon said. “It’s really cool to look around and see what your peers have made all in a nice display.”
Teachers recognize the importance of showcasing the talents of all the art students. Students enjoy seeing all the art and watching their hard work come to fruition.
“It was good to see all the artwork back physically in person and be able to walk around, so that was really my favorite part,” STEM teacher Tim Shea said.
“You’re just walking through and you’re like, ‘Wow, we spent all week doing this and this is what it came out to,’ ” senior and AP Art student Tiana Pimentel said.
The talent and creativity of West Essex’s art students was certainly on display this year, and students and teachers alike agree that it is a great way to showcase students’ artistic abilities.