REVIEW: ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ breaks through the movie industry
“Spider Man: No Way Home” first hit movie theaters on Dec. 17, 2021 and since then has changed the movie industry. The highly popular film has made over $1.37 billion less than a month after its release date;it is already in the top 10 of highest income movies. Considering the film has only been in the theaters for only a month, it is in the running to be in the top five most highly paid films ever produced.
Marvel fans were ecstatic when they first found out another Spider Man movie was being released at the end of 2021. They thought it was the perfect way to end an unprecedented year. Streaming only in theaters, the release had people so excited to go watch a movie beyond the comfort of their own home.
“I would totally go back and see it again,” senior Donnie Long said. “I’m excited to see what they do with the next movies.
Fans were also ecstatic when the two previous spider men came back to play a role in this movie. Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire both came back from their respective multiverses to join Tom Holland in “Spider Man: No Way Home.”
“My mind changed after the movie that Andrew Garfield is officially the best spiderman,” senior Caitlin Lutz said.
Beyond the crossover of the three beloved roles, the movie was a fan favorite movie because it featured different villains from all the multiverses.“Spiderman: No Way Home” had fans screaming and clapping in theaters when any familiar villain would appear.
“The whole story line was amazing and there was a whole new story line for all the spidermans,” sophomore Dante Digrezia said. “And it’s really going to change the Marvel Cinematic Universe.”
Fans also felt an overwhelming sense of emotion when the villains were fighting and some of their lives were on the line. Having all the different characters made the hardcore Marvel fans nostalgic of past Spiderman movies and all the past marvel movies.
“It made me very emotional when Andrew Garfield caught MJ falling,” senior Reece Molinaro said. “It brought back a lot of memories.”
Audience members found themselves connecting with characters, leading to their emotion throughout the movie. “Spider Man: No Way Home” made fans cry, clap and smile due to the excitement and drama. Each fan would go back and see it again and many did. The movie made 2021 end with a bang and helped 2022 start off right.