Genesis block possibly returning after two years

Senior Curran Rastogi stressed over grades on Genesis.

During the Board of Education meeting on Nov. 12, administrators mentioned that they were considering reinstating the decision to block the Genesis Gradebook tab during the school hours of 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. In January 2020, this block was put into effect for the first time, but was removed later in the spring due to COVID-19 and the circumstances around remote learning.
For the few months that the original block was active last school year, opinions were widely split between students and teachers, with generally negative student responses and positive teacher feedback. According to Principal Caesar Diliberto, the decision to block student and parent access to the Gradebook tab would be to ensure students don’t interrupt their learning by constantly checking their grade updates during school hours.
“It’s a major distraction from actual learning during the school day,” Diliberto said.
“Students are hyper-focused on the grades, and then not as focused on the learning,” Vice Principal Kimberly Westervelt said.
Teachers say they have mixed experiences regarding student access to Genesis during their classes.
“While I never experienced Genesis grade issues with students in my classes, I feel the teachers know what is best for the students,” student council advisor Andrea Mondodaori-Llauget said. “I think it’s important to assess and recognize what is a healthy amount of checking. Some parents and students check all day. It’s creating an obsessive behavior that allows students to become stressed and anxious.”
Although most students are against the inability to check their grades during the school day, others fear that they will not be able to keep up with their missing work.
“Some teachers ask you to look at your Genesis during classes to check the work missed and make it up,” senior Michael Rizzo said. “If we can’t see our gradebook then how are we going to make up the work they are talking about?”
That being said, Feedback from students has been more negative than positive. Many say they believe the blocking on Genesis could cause stress and more distraction rather than a relief.
“I think that it will cause a tremendous amount of stress of students as they will be worrying about scores and grades all day, and therefore will not be as focused on school work,” sophomore Abby Zanelli said. “If it’s not blocked, students can check and then get back to work!”
As of now, the potential Genesis block is still only theoretical, but administration has polled teachers for their opinions on the subject.
“If Genesis IS available, parents and students need to recognize a healthy balance that will allow their students to relax and learn without being consumed by their end result,” Mondodaori-Llauget said.